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Roseville Pottery values and identifications

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Carnelian II

ca. 1928

green, purple, pink mauve, red, amber and teal. mottled drips are less visible and generally only slightly darker color as the body




17-3.5 Flower block 40-60
46-8 Vase 75-100
152-7 Bowl 75-100
156-12 Low Bowl 300-400
158-5 Bowl 100-125
306-6 Bud Vase 60-80
309-8 Vase 175-225
310-7 Vase 175-200
312-8 Vase 200-250
314-9 Vase 200-300
314-9 Vase 250-300
333-6 Vase 200-250
334-8 Vase 200-275
337-10 Vase 300-400
339-15 Vase 400-600
381-6 Vase Futura shape 400-500
393-12 Vase Futura shape 1500-2000
401-8 Vase Futura shape 500-700
440-8 Lamp Base 800-900
441-8 Lamp Base 700-800
450-14 Lamp Base 3000-3500
442-12 Vase 600-800
443-12 Vase 600-800
444-12 Vase 600-800
445-12 Vase 500-600
446-12 Vase 2000-2500
460-28 Vase 3000-3500
1064-3 Candlestick 35-45
1246-7 Wall Pocket 200-250
1247-8 Wall Pocket 200-250
1248-8 Wall Pocket 250-300
1249-9 Wall Pocket 250-300
1251-8 Wall Pocket 250-300
1252-8 Wall Pocket 250-300
1253-8 Wall Pocket 250-300
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